Vocational Trainings

Technical, Vocational and education Training TVT

To address the livelihood related problems, CAWC implemented Supporting skill training of women and girls through community based TVET project in the east region.

Under this project CAWC conducted 30-day training on TEVT and apprenticeship for male apprentices and female entrepreneurs, CAWC conducted the TVET and Apprenticeship training based on the curriculum developed by consultancy company and approved by NCA, following the project LFA the target for TVET training were 70 women and 30 men but practically during the implementation it was separated in two parts of TVET for female and apprenticeship for male, beneficiaries and the number of beneficiaries increased ,10 qualified and expert female trainer and one expert female supervisor recruited by CAWC with consultation of NCA regional staff, proper assessment conducted  jointly by CAWC and NCA to identify the TVET and apprenticeship trainees, TVET curriculum developed by lazuli Pamir consultancy company based on the type of skills identified in a proper assessment process, totally 100 female entrepreneur selected and organized in 10 TVET hub centers, all the trainees provide with training materials and curriculums, CAWC provided raw material for practical on the job training  based on the needs of each TVET hub center, during the training period TVET participants received 60US$ peridium  and apprentices  received 90 US$ peridium per trainees per month, CAWC also provide 90US$ training fee per each apprentices to the apprenticeship trainers ,totally 90 male apprentices received 30 days training on the following topics