CLTS (Community lead total sanitation) is one of the components of WASH program. CLTS is an innovative self-sustainable approach with a focus on blocking fecal-oral contamination routes. It is different from traditional sanitation interventions in its systematic design of a “hands-off” approach that guides people from various socio-economic backgrounds to work towards an open defecation-free environment collectively. The approach is not backed by massive external inputs (sanitation infrastructure). Instead, it is an attempt to build the capacity of the communities to analyze, decide, and create locally appropriate methods to confine human excreta and clean up their community. The aim is to activate and trigger the community to bring change in sanitation behaviors through the Participation of the whole community in the process and to enable the community to lead future collective initiatives in designing, constructing, monitoring, and reporting latrines.
CAWC implements the CLTS approach in the target communities in three steps. 1. Pre-Triggering
2. Triggering
3. Post-Triggering
The steps include different activities with the objective of sensitizing the community members on the human waste in the village cleaning the communities from Open-Defecation (OD) and utilizing sanitation facilities, particularly latrines for each house/family.