Food Assistance

Food Assistance

The food security situation remains extremely fragile and subject to seasonal, economic, and climatic shocks. The main drivers of food insecurity in Afghanistan include macroeconomic instability, high levels of unemployment, debt, elevated agriculture and livestock input prices, and depressed purchasing power. Moreover, the lingering impact of decades of conflict, extreme climatic conditions – multi-year drought, harsh winters, floods – and natural disasters such as earthquakes have significantly reduced households’ capacity to cope with shocks

to response this challenges CAWC as sub-partners of CG with the financial support of AHF implemented Food Assistance for IPC Phase 3and 4 Food Insecure Vulnerable People in Daikundi, to address the needs of vulnerable families, by providing unconditional and unrestricted cash assistance. To do this, 815 most vulnerable and affected families by drought were identified in this province and provided with unconditional cash assistance. through this intervention, each target family received 16624 AFN as unconditional assistance.