Dear Readers,
Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee (CAWC) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in the year 1989 in Peshawar-Pakistan by a group of humanitarian actors assisting the UN agencies to support the Afghan refuses in the Refugee Camp of Peshawar and then expanded its operation to Afghanistan supporting the IDPs and most vulnerable people in different provinces. CAWC moved its main office to Afghanistan in 2001 to take part in the reconstruction of Afghanistan alongside with other NGO/INGOs that began their operation in Afghanistan following the new political changes happened in Afghanistan in 2001 and officially registered in the Ministry of Economy with registration number 126 in 2005.
During the 30 years of its life-span CAWC has implemented more than 170 projects in different sectors funded by various donors in other parts of Afghanistan such as Ghazni, Maidan-Wardak, Kabul, Bamiyan, Daikundi, Ghor, Balkh, Faryab, Badakhshan and Paktia provinces. CAWC has invaluable experience in Afghanistan implementing many projects in different thematic areas, particularly humanitarian and emergency response in different modalities such as Distribution of NFI, Distribution of Shelters, Cash distribution, Cash for Work, Cash for Food, Food Security, and Agriculture. CAWC implemented all those projects in partnership and funds provided by international donors and UN agencies such as UNHCR, UNFAO, OXFAM GB, IRD, NCA, Caritas Germany, AHF, PWJ, and ACBAR. Although CAWC worked in different areas of Afghanistan but the main focus during this period of time has been in Central Highland Region.
CAWC implemented canal construction, construction of pipe scheme, construction of school building, construction of Micro Hydro Power (MHP), distribution of solar panels, installation of RHUs in schools, construction of water dam in Bamiyan province and distribution of cash (PSN) project in Bamiyan, Behsud one & two districts in Maidan-Wardak and Laal wa Sar-e-Jangal district in Ghor province since 2012 to 2020 funded by UNHCR and has been implementing WASH project since 2015 up to now in Daikundi province funded by NCA. CAWC currently is present and has active offices in Bamiyan, Daikundi, and Samangan provinces implementing WASH project supported by CAWC main office located in Kabul, Afghanistan.