Completion of WASH Project in Daikondi province Funded by AHF in 2023-2024

CAWC completed a WASH project in the Miramur, Shahristan, Pato, and Ashtarlay districts of Daikondi province funded by AHF in 2024. This project involved the construction of 11 water reservoirs and 40 communal latrines for the targeted communities. The project’s main objective was to save the lives of people in targeted districts by providing safe drinking water, enhancing health sanitation facilities, and decreasing the infection of transmittable diseases among children and women.
Before the implementation of this project, people in communities faced significant challenges in accessing safe drinking water. They relied on open water sources such as wells and springs, often contaminated with harmful pathogens, posing serious health risks, especially for women and children.
With the completion of this project, 6,957 people have experienced a positive change in their lives, gaining access to safe and sustainable drinking water. Water taps have been constructed near their homes, providing a reliable and convenient source of clean water for household use and hygiene practices.
The project was monitored by the Directorate of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (DRRD) and was successfully handed over to the local government and communities in November 2024.

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